Perceptive judges my friend's four children turned out to be, but the results were mixed for both kids and adults, and finally I left them to find the land of Cinnamon Buns and Ice Creams.
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It’s been a long time since I was a kid, so when I got the brief from my editor to try three allocated booths for kid appeal, I enlisted the help of a friend of mine and her four children, ranging from post-toddler to mid-elementary in age. Perceptive judges they turned out to be, but the results were mixed for both kids and adults, and finally I left them to find the land of Cinnamon Buns and Ice Creams.
1 Mac and Cheese bites, Smac and Cheese Bites (booth 5)
I tried these with my wife, and for both of us, this was the worst taste of Edmonton this year. Two miserly triangular bites, with a non-descript sauce, consisting of what looked like Kraft cheese in a greasy batter, where the frying oil seemed have been used for a long time. They left a nasty after-taste. The children, meantime, had soft pretzel bites, looking like miniature rolls, which they enjoyed – but they left the sauce dip, and I discovered that this group of kids, at least, are not interested in dips, and stick with the main item.
2 Mango Smoothie, Coconut Jungle (booth 7)
This, and its Coconut Smoothie partner, was a success with everyone. The entertaining container, looking like a coconut tree, was fun for kids (and, be it admitted, for adults), and if it wasn’t as spectacular or as rich as some smoothies I have had in Edmonton, mine was straightforward, quite thick, tasty, and suitably cold. “Mangos are delicious,” said one child, slurping happily. The only reservation is that these are very expensive (5 tickets). That’s the equivalent for one adult and four kids of around $45 – poor value.
3 Chicken Souvlaki with Tzatziki, Koutouki Its All Greek To Me (booth 30)
The children like meat on a stick, so as the last booth on my allocated list was a Greek restaurant, we all tried a Chicken Souvlaki (marinated chicken on a skewer). I also bought the other two offerings: Spanakopita, a savoury Greek spinach pie, here in triangle phyllo pastry folds, and Pita Bread. The chicken on a stick was boringly bland in taste. The children quickly lost interest in it. The Spanakopita was nothing to write home about – I have had much tastier. The pita bread was a great success, especially with the children. It was warm and moist and fresh. Why though have a Tzatziki dip with all three dishes? There are other Greek sauce dips!
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