"Steel structure during construction" - Chronicle - ilrestodelcarlino.it

2022-06-23 02:49:08 By : Ms. Dragon Zhang

"The San Carlo Bridge, a crucial node of the urban and extra-urban road network that connects Borgo Minonna to Jesi, can be rebuilt without ever interrupting the connections with the center".To support it is the lawyer Marco Cercaci, candidate for mayor of Italexit and Popolo of the family."My proposal, already presented in recent days - he explains - foresees the construction next to the old San Carlo viaduct of a prefabricated" Bailey "type bridge, completely made of steel and able to guarantee the passage of heavy vehicles as well. company in the north and leader in the sector, and their technicians have assured me that the structure can be rented, even in a short time, and that they can guarantee that during the renovation period of the San Carlo bridge the road system is never interrupted. I believe that a mayor who has the interests of everyone at heart, from residents, to companies, to commuters from neighboring countries - continues Cercaci -, must necessarily avoid the enormous inconvenience that a blocking of traffic in the area would produce. imaginative we offer a concrete and achievable proposal, the only one that can avoid enormous problems ".After the appeals of the family and the mayor Alan Fabbri and all the voices that have been raised for her, the little girl was transferred to the specialized centerIt happened at the Parco dei Ciliegi in Monterenzio: a 21-year-old was taken to Sant'Orsola Malpighi, where he was medicated for a craniofacial trauma and then discharged with a prognosis of 30 days.Do you already have an account?Log in