PADUA - «It's over in a week.The construction sites will all stop and many companies will go bankrupt.I'll give you an example: without steel to make a floor, a pillar, a prefabricated structure, you can't work.It will be a disaster. "Antonio Mengato, 41, is the owner of a company of 234 employees in Camposampiero with 41 construction sites open from Veneto to Friuli to Trentino.It is one of the largest in Padua, two hundred years of history.In 2015 he took over Santinello.FURTHER DETAILS THE ANALYSIS Stagnation and inflation, a perfect model storm is coming ... GREAT WORKS Increases, even the construction sites of the Olympics at risk: «Bitumen ... FELTRE Dear bills, the company saves with photovoltaics: ... VENICE Energy and gas, here are the increases for the TREVISO Treviso companies.Increase in the costs of raw materials and fuel: a ... ADRIA Skyrocketing costs: to avoid drowning the pool, increases the ratesThe alarm of the bakeries: "We will be able to produce bread, cakes and doves but we do not know with what price increases"THE SCENARIO "In recent days we have been witnessing a paradoxical scenario, falsely justified by the war in Ukraine, but in reality fueled by unprecedented speculation" he continues."In fact, many materials are completely unavailable, such as steel of any type or aluminum and then move on to materials derived from petroleum such as bitumen which reached + 600% in the last week by suspending all road works in Italy "."The construction sector, driving force and driving force of the economy of the restart, is completely stopped, due to the speculation put in place by energy distributors and by the producers of raw materials and semi-finished products in Italy who riding the wave of the Ukrainian crisis , motivate the unavailability of raw materials by keeping factories closed rather than producing, thus inducing an enormous increase in the cost of raw materials.Shared trips and car journeys to reduce the increase in gasolineTHE SPECULATION «To understand how unjustified this story is, just think that many Italian steel companies are equipped with the latest generation electric ovens and have photovoltaic systems of thousands of Kwh available.So how can they be so much affected by increased energy if they self-produce it?And why do they complain about the lack of raw material if their storage warehouses are full? ""And again - he continues - why with WTI Oil down 3% compared to last Friday, it also dropped to 129 dollars and gas prices down 5% to 119.85 we are suffering this massacre of raw material prices ?In some ways, natural gas and oil cost less than in recent years ».The way out?"Proclaim a state of emergency immediately", This would at least allow employees to be laid off, today we cannot do it.But above all to ask the institutions to control the production chains through the Anac that are increasing costs in a reckless way.Public works destined to set up the NRP projects will also stop.I already know of hundreds of withdrawals from participating in competitions ».GEROTTO The president of Ance Padova, Gerotto, closes: «In addition to the reasons listed by Mengato, the thing that worries me most are the companies that are no longer able to make credit transfers.Another 3 months and 50% of the companies will go into liquidity crisis.I have associates who have up to 3 million euros of materials at home that cannot be delivered because there is no transport.In the short term, I expect inflation to rise to important levels.Landing on Padua, what will happen to the last races assigned?How will the winners be able to pay all the costs and complete the orders on time?Compensation systems should be established immediately and material prices adjusted to current costs.We are in a pre-war economic situation that needs special laws capable of leading us towards a new context of economic and financial equilibrium ».