To throw away what is useless;there will be still in 10 colonies

2022-06-25 15:02:48 By : Mr. Jack Yang

It will take place from June 27 to 30Juan Carlos Nunez/El DiarioChihuahua, Chih.- The Directorate of Municipal Public Services (SPM) informs the calendar that the Destilichadero program will have from June 27 to 30, where it will visit ten neighborhoods of the city, from 9:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon.This program consists of removing large garbage that the collection truck cannot move, so a container is made available to the population at a fixed point.In addition to this, staff of the unit make tours of the quadrants of the neighborhoods that are visited during the week to remove the tiliches, for which they are asked to leave this waste at the foot of the sidewalk.The program is free, so if any of the employees requests compensation for the collection, they can report it to number 072, from 9:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon, Monday through Friday.It works together with Impas, with the El Patio de Mi Casa program, which consists of taking Destilichadero to the neighborhoods, along with fumigating the patios of the houses, on this occasion, this program will be in the Plan de Ayala on June 28.Below is the calendar of neighborhoods that the program will be visiting:Colonies: Children Heroes, Constituents, Teaching Solidarity, José VasconcelosQuadrant: Av. Los Arcos - Aceros de Chihuahua - Teaching - Sect.42 - Popular Unity - FekamContainer: SNTE and CubelitasColony: Ayala Plan (Patio de mi Casa)Quadrant: Pablo López - Perif.R. Almada - People's National PartyContainer: Army of the South and Julio AcostaWednesday June 29Neighborhoods: Unity, Óscar Flores Sánchez and Loma DoradaQuadrant: Av. de la Unidad - Organization - Univ. de Palermo - Perif.of Youth - Abolition of SlaveryContainer: C. de la Administración (Óscar Flores Park)Colony: Avícola II and Abraham GonzálezQuadrant: Blvd. Ortíz Mena - Pacific Ocean - Aguascalientes - Lat.peripheryof youthContainer: Pacific Ocean and Black Sea
